Ok I know it's almost February and I'm just now getting stuff posted for Christmas. But give me a break- my house is really truly clean! Because I was pregnant when we moved we never actually got all the way unpacked. Luckily, we've got a room upstairs that was just our junk and pc room for a while. It was starting to really irritate me, so I got to work and I've spent the last week completely cleaning it. We've made about 3 trips to DI to get rid of stuff and our garbage can is full. I know that's only a weeks worth of an excuse, but I am so proud that it's actually done, espcecially now that Alaina is mobile! That's right, she's been kinda crawling for the past couple of weeks, but today it's official! I couldn't really get a picture of the actual act of the crawling because she'd just sit up and pose every time I tried :/

Anyway, so we had a great Christmas this year and Alaina truly got spoiled. She now has her own rocking horse, tons of cute stuff from Hawaii from Grandpa Gil and Grandma Kim, and penguin stuff from Grandma Lisa. (I guess I should explain that Alaina loves panguins. We discovered this when Cory's sister gave us some puppet wash cloths that she got as a white elephant gift. Alaina would get sooo excited with the penguin, but she would just stare at the hippo and throw it. lol) We did two Christmas mornings and Alaina had a great time tearing the paper. She liked the bows the best

though. Sorry I don't have too many pictures, I'm still working on getting them from other people :) I was a little busy helping with the whole process rather than taking pictures.
We were able to stay from Christmas Eve clear through that Sunday, so we had a lot of time to hang out and play guitar hero world tour- yay! Ken got it from Santa along with a ps3. It was pretty funny because my dad and Cory were determined to beat this particular song on a harder level, so they played it about 20 times until they finally did. I ended up having that song in my head for a few days...

January has been an interesting month- Alaina is just growing too fast! As I mentioned she has officially started crawling and actually pulled herself up to stand with a box the other day! We had another doctor's appointment this month and she's dropped in percentile again- only the 20th! But

they did say that it's based off of formula fed babies, so not to worry too much. She's been reaching her milestones and is still gaining weight, she's just super tiny. She's only 15 pounds, and she turns 7 months on Sunday. We're pretty sure that it's her extremely fast metabolism that's making it so she doesn't gain a whole lot of weight. She's constantly playing and interacting. She's just reached the point when she likes anyone and everyone and will smile and talk to them. This happens mostly at church and at the store. We've started putting her in the shopping cart sitting up instead of just in her car seat now, and boy is that an adventure! She LOVES it. She's constantly kicking her feet and rocking and has a grand old time.