Alaina Kay Pehrson was born yesterday morning at 7:36. She weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and 19.5 in long. She's got Daddy's blue eyes and quite a bit of light brown hair. We were getting pretty anxious for her to come, so on Monday night we started working on ways to induce labor at home- we found accupressure points, walked a ton, and got some raspberry leaf herbal tea. The latter was what put things into gear! I had a glass at 9:30, by 10:30 there was pretty intense contractions and by 11:30 I was hooked up on the monitors in the delivery room. We had to wait all night for me to get all the way dialated, but they had me start pushing around 6:30 and then she was here! I was pretty wiped out with not being able to sleep all night, but she's just beautiful!
Cory was able to cut the umbilical cord and is such a proud daddy! The grandparents are just as proud and super excited to spoil her. We'll keep you updated and post more pictures as we get them.
so so so cute!!! Congrats. So excited for you guys. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Glad things went well for you.
Hooray! I'm so glad she finally came :) She is absolutly beautiful, congrats!
Congratulations to you guys!!! I have already heard so much about her. I have some very proud grandparents for neighbors. Take care.
Congrats she is beautiful!!!
Wow- what a pretty baby.. Way to go!! I am glad that everyone is doing well, and that the labor and delivery went well! Congrats!!! :D
YAY!!! SO exciting. She is so stinkin cute...Cant wait to meet her in person!....
PS Cute pic of your legs on the leg thingys lol :)
Just so you know- I went private so if you would email me your email if you want to continue looking- Congrats again, and I hope you are settling in well!
CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so exciting. She's beautiful. I'm happy that everything went well. I'm totally going to remember the rasberry herb tea trick in a few months when it's my turn to have this baby:) Keep the pictures coming. She's a doll!! Jenna
Congrats again guys!!She is so darling, and so is your blog :)
time to show us some more pictures PLEASE!!! :) hope all is well and everything is going great with your little family.
Congratulations!! It only gets better from here on!
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